Citizen Assembly South Tyneside (CAST) Logo

CAST letter to South Tyneside Council

All data correct as of: 04/10/2024

Our survey is open for you to record your level of satisfaction with the leadership of South Tyneside Council. We'll be keeping you in the picture with regular updates but if you haven't taken a look the the poll yet, check it out here 

On 1st October, CAST sent the following email to each of our 54 councillors to request a change from the current Leader and Cabinet system to a representative Committee format:

Please support the change from a Leader and Cabinet format to a Committee structure of South Tyneside Council.

Dear Councillor

Citizens Assembly South Tyneside (CAST) is asking for a return to the Committee system of decision-making at South Tyneside Council in place of the present Leader and Cabinet format.

We believe the present Council structure concentrates power in the hands of a small group of councillors from the party holding the majority of seats.

This system denies most councillors, not only the majority of councillors from the party in power but also from all other parties, a say in generating and/or debating policy. This system lacks transparency and democratic accountability and neither does it give constituents access to the process.

We believe a Committee system would allow more members from the majority party AND members from other parties access to the democratic process. This would give a cross section of members the capacity to debate and vote on policy proposals before they are implemented.

We believe the committee system will:

  • democratise decision making,
  • improve political engagement,
  • address voter apathy,
  • give voters a genuine voice.

We therefore ask you to support the switch from the current format to a Committee structure.

Please respond by 31st October 2024 setting out your intentions.

If the Council leadership fails to support the call for a Committee structure, we understand that a binding referendum on the proposal to return to the Committee system would be required by law if 5% of those registered to vote sign a petition demanding one. Article 17.5.1 of South Tyneside Council’s Constitution also makes this clear.

This would amount to 5658* signatures from the South Tyneside electorate. Should the Council refuse to amend the structure or fail to respond to our request, CAST intends to initiate the referendum petition.

We would like to bring your attention to our online poll which is currently showing that over 80% of the respondents are dissatisfied/very dissatisfied with the leadership of South Tyneside Council.

Additionally, CAST will be campaigning for the establishment of local Citizens’ Assemblies throughout the borough. We believe these are necessary to give the community an independent voice, enable the development of policy proposals to benefit the community as a whole and as a means of keeping the pressure on our elected representatives to work in the best interests of their constituents.

CAST hopes it can count on your support.

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