Citizen Assembly South Tyneside (CAST) Logo

ClimateReads Book Group: using the power of words to protect our planet, safe for future generations

Book selections and using words to achieve change!

Your ideas are always welcome! Suggestions can include books, journals, poetry or any other ways to harness the power of words.

Current ClimateRead:

  • Rebirding by Benedict Macdonald

      Why it's been chosen:

      How to access it:

      • Hard copy: approx. £6.30 (used) paperback

      • ebook: approx. £12

      • Audible: £7.99

      • Library: please check with your local library

      Date for review:

      • Wednesday, 7th May, 6:30 - 7:30pm on zoom

      • Please email for the link or if you have any questions, book suggestions or wish to join the group.

          Previous titles and other recommended ClimateReads:

          • Hidden Universe by Alexandre Antonelli
          • Our Fragile Moment by Michael Mann
          • Green bans, Red unions* by Meredith Burgmann and Verity Burgmann (*part 3)
          • New Internationalist (bimonthly magazine latest edition) - 'Climate Capitalism, Exploitation in the Green Transition'
          • Ending Fossil Fuel Subsidies by Neil McCulloch
          • A planet to win: why we need a green new deal by Kate Aronoff, Alyssa Battistoni, Daniel Aldana Cohen and Thea Riafrancos
          • Ending Fossil Fuels: Why Net Zero is Not Enough by Holly Jean Buck
          • Doughnut Economics: Seven Ways to Think Like a 21st-Century Economist by Kate Raworth
          • Paint Your Town Red: How Preston Took Back Control and Your Town Can Too by Matt Brown and Rhian Jones
          • Rules for Revolutionaries

          What's the purpose of the ClimateReads group?

            • create a forum for discussion, gaining information and new ideas
            • provide supporters with the opportunity to draw on powerful new ideas and arguments
            • help us all gain confidence when engaging in the broader debate and policy development not only in our own campaigns but more widely with other groups, our local communities, the media etc.

          Get involved!

          If you’d like to find out more or help make this happen, we’d love to hear from you - please email Helen

          Ways you can be involved include;

          • suggest titles for the group to read (we share these in our regular newsletters as well)
          • take part in group chats (not vital to be available for them all) – let Helen know if you prefer in-person or zoom
          • receive the notes, with feedback, from the group
          • help with practicalities (e.g. checking resource availability; occasional author involvement; looking into venues including those supporting hybrid participation)
          • suggest other groups that might like to be partner groups
