Citizen Assembly South Tyneside (CAST) Logo

CAST Question Time ST

With our new initiative, we're bringing Question Time style panel events to South Tyneside.

Next CAST Question Time ST:

Venue: TBC

Date: TBC (2024)

Theme: TBC


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In March 2023, we held our first Question Time ST in Clover and Wolf in South Shields with a panel including South Shields MP, Emma Lewell-Buck, Roger Nettleship from Save South Tyneside Hospital Campaign and Bede's Helping Hands foodbank founder Tracy Beaton (both Pride of South Tyneside winners 2023).

Following that success, we held our next event in Boldon CA with Northumbria PCC Kim McGuinness, Terry McPartlin from Tyne and Wear Centre Against Unemployment and Kyle Scott, CEO Radio Shields among the panelists.