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Reinvent Our 3% marches on South Shields Town Hall

CAST Report

October 2022

Divest Tyne & Wear recently sent their thanks to their local supporters from South Tyneside but also those who travelled from across Tyne and Wear, Northumberland and Durham to demand that South Tyneside Council ‘Move Our Money’!

Whilst the Tyne & Wear Pension Fund committee met inside the Town Hall on 27th September to discuss the £230 million it invests in fossil fuels, outside, pension holders gathered to demand the divestment of the fund to protect all of our futures.

Quoted in The Gazette Lesley Mountain, protest coordinator, said ‘Pensions are meant to be about security. As pensioners we see no security for the next generations. Investing in coal, oil and gas will destroy everyone’s future. We don’t want to profit from this, so we’ve taken personal action. We’ve moved around 3% of our pensions this year into a fund that helps to reduce the impact of climate change.’ (read the full Gazette article here)

This £2870 donation, which rose to more than £3000 with GiftAid, was presented to green charity Recyke y’bike to show the groups’ commitment not to benefit from an industry currently contributing to environmental destruction.

Watch the Reinvent Our 3% campaign video here or check out the Facebook page for more info.

You’ll be surprised how many people are Tyne & Wear Pension Fund members – YOU might be one! More than 300 organisations are part of the scheme, including theatres, schools, all of our local councils and Tyne and Wear Fire and Rescue Service. Check out the full list here and if you are a member, wouldn’t you like a say over whether your money is invested in fossil fuels?